Posts tagged edibles
Summer Cannabis Cocktail

Enjoy a gorgeous Summer treat with this cannabis-infused cocktail made with Kikoko cannabis tea! Four ingredients and BOOM, you’re off to an incredible day of sunshine and rainbows! 🌈

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The Biphasic Effect: Why cannabis can BOTH cause and relieve anxiety

By now you’ve probably heard that cannabinoids, like THC or CBD, can decrease anxiety and stress. But what about that paranoid feeling some people get when they’re high? Reducing anxiety AND causing it?! How can cannabis do both? Those are literally opposite things! 

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Infused Sunday Brunch with: Receitas Avo Lili

Over the past year, I’ve realized that while infused recipes may not be a part of my overall business model, people LOVE them, I LOVE them, and it’s just too fun to file it away in the past. So I’m determined to make it a series instead! Presenting: The Infused Sunday Brunch.

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CBD Jello Shots

These CBD Jello shots are a fun alternative to that bottle of red wine you keep schlepping to dinner parties and are a great conversation piece as CBD and Cannabis rule the latest wellness and beauty trends.

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CBD Tropical Nice Cream

Nice Cream is is the perfect blend of frozen fruits in a delectable soft serve that you won’t be able to put down. This version has an extra dose of “nice” with a serving of CBD that will keep you relaxing and recovering from whatever life is throwing at you these days!

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